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11:00 am
Machine Binding Class
6:00 pm
TS1: Introduction to Quilting - Town Square
10:00 am
Group Sewing
10:00 am
Friday Sewcial
10:00 am
OS6: Open Sew
9:30 am
BOM: Block of the Month 2024-2025
2:00 pm
Block of the Month 2024-2025
7:00 pm
Block of the Month 2024-2025
9:30 am
Block of the Month 2024-2025
2:00 pm
Block of the Month 2024-2025
7:00 pm
Block of the Month 2024-2025
10:00 am
Friday Sewcial
10:00 am
OS7: Open Sew
10:00 am
Friday Sewcial
10:00 am
ATT1: Bag Making - All The Things Tote
10:00 am
Group Sewing
10:00 am
Friday Sewcial
10:00 am
OS8: Open Sew